Bahamas Bonefishing & Excursions

Fishing for Bonefish in the Bahamas
There are few places in the world where you can expect to find trophy-size bonefish. The Bahamas is arguably the best, and in the Bahamas Spanish Wells you’ll find the “best bonefishing there is”.
What makes Spanish Wells the best bonefishing in the Bahamas you ask? It’s not that the average schooling fish is 4-6 pounds, it’s not that you will see bonefish easily topping 10 pounds, it’s not that you will see 15 pound bonefish tailing frequently. What makes Spanish Wells the best bonefishing in the Bahamas, and quite possibly the world, is that there is no pressure on these fish.
Flats Fishing
There are few places in the world where you can expect to find trophy-size bonefish. The Bahamas is arguably the best, and in the Bahamas Spanish Wells you’ll find the “best bonefishing there is”.
What makes Spanish Wells the best bonefishing in the Bahamas you ask? It’s not that the average schooling fish is 4-6 pounds, it’s not that you will see bonefish easily topping 10 pounds, it’s not that you will see 15 pound bonefish tailing frequently. What makes Spanish Wells the best bonefishing in the Bahamas, and quite possibly the world, is that there is no pressure on these fish.
Mangrove Fishing
Mangroves are a great provider of food for Bonefish. I will take you to spots where flats are lined with mangroves. Here you will have the opportunity to catch schooling bonefish feeding in the sand or cruising the mangroves.
Coupling these 2 options doubles your chances of catching bonefish.
Turtle Grass
Bonefish love turtle grass and rightfully so. Bonefish are the hardest to see and the most protected when in turtle grass and they know it. Turtle grass provides the bonefish a plethora of food and that is why they are there. In most destinations it’s extremely difficult to even sight a bonefish in turtle grass unless its creating nervous water or a wake.
One of our favorite spots is referred to as “the honey hole” by one of our clients. It’s hard to miss a 24 inch bonefish tailing, it’s even harder to miss 15 to 20 bonefish that are 24 inches tailing together. This client once said at this site “Ray Charles god rest his soul could see these bonefish”.
Luckily for you our fishing guide Shaw Underwood has an expert ability to site these bonefish while they are in the turtle grass, even if you can’t see them he can and will direct you on where to cast.