A Note from Shaw Underwood
Born and raised in Spanish Wells Bahamas.
I have been diving and fishing since I was 6 years old in these waters in Spanish Wells. I know these waters as well as I know the back of my hand. I still live in Spanish Wells Eleuthera (and love it) where the waters are clear and beautiful,and great for Fishing. I have been told by clients that I have an incredible ability to sight bonefish in the turtle grass, this proves very beneficial when I take you fishing for the day.

Spanish Wells has been Known as the Fishing community for lobster of all the Bahamas for decades, and now it is getting known for Game Fishing too. By the pictures on the website, I imagine that you can see the Bone Fishing is GREAT and so is the other game fish.
With waters clear and pristine, beautiful beaches and the incredible flats you will LOVE the fishing (bonefishing) and in relatively unfished waters